熱茶與神經脈衝 A Cup of Tea and Nerve Impulse

5 min readDec 20, 2023


When my hands touch something hot, it feels like a gentle electric current flowing through.


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It was a cold afternoon and I was enjoying a cup of hot tea in office. As I wrapped my hands around the mug, I could feel the warmth seeping through my fingers. The feeling was akin to mild electricity walking through. This was where I began my basic exploration into this topic.


感知過程的拆解 The Sensory Process

Step1. 熱傳導 Conduction 熱藉由固體物質茶杯將高溫傳到相對低溫的手掌

Heat is transferred through mug from higher temperature to the relatively lower temperature of the palm.

Step2. 溫度受器 Thermoreceptor 真皮層下的感覺神經元偵測到刺激

Sensory neurons beneath the dermis detect the stimulus.

Step3. 神經脈衝 Nerve impulse 脈衝到達脊椎,脊椎處理接收到的信號並產生反射(例如 當手接觸到過燙物質時,會因反射作用彈開)

The impulse reaches the spinal cord, where signals are processed, leading to reflex actions (e.g. when we touch something too hot, the hand reflexively pulls away)

Step4. 身體感覺皮質區 Somatosensory cortex 脊椎傳遞脈衝到大腦後,此部分的大腦處理訊息讓我們認知到溫暖

Somatosensory Cortex: After the spinal cord transmits the impulse to the brain, this part of the brain processes information, allowing us to perceive warmth.


Returning to the question, does a nerve impulse generate an electric current?

Yes! A nerve impulse, also known as an action potential, refers to a brief fluctuation in the cell membrane’s original resting state due to stimulation. Once the stimulus exceeds a threshold, a series of ion channels open up, similar to how attendants stand in a row and salute, welcoming customers, when a Japanese style of department store like Mitsukoshi opens its doors. This allows the message to travel smoothly to its intended destination.


Yes! 神經脈衝又稱做動作電位,關於這個名詞解釋我反覆看著維基百科的同一段話發楞,納悶全是中文但怎麼無法理解XD下面簡單寫下我的翻譯

動作電位(Action potential): 指原先靜止狀態的細胞膜受到刺激而產生的短暫波動。


其中跟鈉/鉀離子有關的解釋我真的是自己也無法讀懂,有興趣者請參照維基百科示意圖哈 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_potential



熱能傳遞的三種方式。來源: https://www.machinedesign.com/




I am Tzuyu. I post anything I feel like writing here :)